My Journey!

Once upon a time, there was a young mom working the night shift and going to school full time! She made many sacrifices to get where she wanted to be, to the mom she always dreamed of, to have the business she envisioned! It all came with a price and that price was her health!

This is my story in a nutshell! And it's the same story I hear from clients every single day!

At one point in your life you made the decision, maybe a subconscious one, to put everything you had into a goal or dream or whatever. And before you knew it, so much time had passed that it seemed nearly impossible to change the outcome. So maybe you gave up. Maybe tried and tried but nothing worked for you, so you accepted defeat and built your life around this version of yourself you no longer recognize!

Ladies, that does not have to be your story. At no point are you too far gone to change your future!

Weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and cholesterol. All of my clients have at least one of these symptoms, symptoms of a less than ideal lifestyle.

Make the decision today to choose yourself and let me guide you on the first leg of your journey!

End your suffering!

Each time we try and fail it gets a little harder to try again the next time! Even more so when you try the same approach over and over. You see everyone around you having success with this diet or this exercise program. But you never see the same success.

It is discouraging and trusting!

So end your suffering and come at the problem with a new approach.

What do you have to lose?

Is this course for me??

Have you tried over and over to make healthy changes in your life only to revert back to your old ways a few months later?? Me too!! More times than I would like to admit.

It wasn't until I learned about limiting beliefs and the false beliefs I held about health that I was able to really change.

If you cannot uncover what your subconscious holds, you cannot correct it!

This course is an introduction to Mindset and how it applies to your health. I will guide you through identifying the beliefs you hold about health. How you can identify if they are true and tools to change them if they are false!

The course includes a workbook and audio files so you can listen on the go!

This course is closed for enrollment.

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